Monday, September 20, 2010


I am on an antibiotic because, apparently, I have whooping cough. This antibiotic is wonderful. I will be through with it in just five days! There are only a couple downsides.
  1. I have EXTREMELY sharp pain in my left side.
  2. I am queasy.
  3. I am ITCHY. Arms, shoulders, back, everywhere. I do not have a rash, just really itchy. 
  4. It does not help the cough. It makes me noncontagious. 
So... I am thinking the antibiotic is evil
I would stop taking it, but hopefully it helps me get well faster.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have been sick for the past week. I have been going to classes, but I am entirely bored. Last night, I decided to be creative. I made a poogle out of styrofoam that was previously a lunch box.

Monday, September 6, 2010


It is 10:22 pm. and I want to know what you call the clothes you sleep in. Some people call them sleep clothes, for ladies, nightie is popular. To me, they are not nighties, or sleep clothes, or even pajamas. I sleep in jammies. Soft, cozy sleep pants and cotton t-shirts. simple enough, right? Wrong. Jammies are not just clothes you sleep in, they are those wonderful things you put on before curling up with a good book, before you settle down to sleep, and before Saturday morning cartoons.
*huggles my jammies* night!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Okay, so I am feeling just a tad ranty. You see, SEMO does not accept one of the credits I earned at ECC. So, I get to be classified as a sophomore. Not a big deal, right? WRONG!
By being classified as a sophomore, I lose $1000 in loan money, so I get to pay for part of my schooling out of pocket. :K
Also, since I am a sophomore, I get to take the MAPP test. Which takes up 2.5 hours on a Saturday morning.


I decided to try it...

Hi, I am Danielle, I am 21, I play neopets, and this is the scary place where you get to peek inside my brain.